
You are on our new website

You may have noticed this website has been redeveloped.

We are pleased to have a better looking and more contemporary website. We hope you agree, but if you are having any issues, please let us know via our contact us page.

The new site meets a recommendation of the Commissioner for Better Regulation’s report, Getting the Groundwork Right, and will help improve how the industry and community can access our information. It provides those we work with or who are interested in our work with more engaging, user-focused content.

The structure and set up of the new site is based on user research. It has a new navigation that is ‘topic-based’ and includes a mega-menu feature to enable easy access to up-to-date priority information, tasks and tools.

A new Projects section provides a centralised overview of key projects being undertaken by the branch and the Community & land use section provides information for the general community, particularly around environment, land access and consultation opportunities.

The clean and clear visual design is adaptable for mobile devices and the improved search tool offers filtering options to give users a quick, easy and effective way to find all content.

We have made every effort to provide up-to-date information and we are continuing to work on improving the site. Please contact us if you have any feedback.